Sunday 25 November 2012

Chicken liver pate with a red onion, port & cranberry chutney.


Pate (4 ramekins)
- 300g chicken livers
- 2 rashes of bacon diced
- 2 shallots diced
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 tbsp fresh thyme
- zest of half an orange
- 2 tbsp brandy
- 50ml double cream
- salt & pepper

Fry onion, bacon & garlic until softened, add the thyme and orange zest followed by the livers and brandy. Only cook the livers until coloured on each side, the inside should still be a bit pink. Blitz ingredients with cream, season and refrigerate.

Chutney (1 ramekin)
- 1 red onion
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp port
- 1 tbsp cranberry sauce

Fry onion in butter until soft, add sugar followed by port. Allow the port to cook off then add cranberry sauce and a dash of hot water to loosen. Serve in ramekin.

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